Wade & Lindsay

Lord Windsor Coffee started out as a dream to bring exceptional coffee to Southern California.
Wade and Lindsay Windsor had no idea how difficult it would be to borrow the money necessary to get their business off the ground. After applying for numerous credit cards and bank loans and being turned down, they found Jewish Free Loan. Jewish Free Loan gave them just what they needed: the money to pursue their ambitious project and the credibility to raise more capital.
Before we reached out toJewish Free Loan we reached out to credit card companies and big banks, and we were turned down and not taken seriously. No one really cared. It wasn’t until Jewish Free Loan took us seriously that we felt we had a chance. The loan from Jewish Free Loan gave us credibility and than others came through to help fund our dream.Wade & Lindsay
With the loan from Jewish Free Loan , Wade and Lindsay bought equipment for their retail shop. Six years later, Lord Windsor Coffee is expanding to do wholesale coffee roasting on site.
Wade and Lindsay's dream is indeed a rich brew.
To learn more about Lord Windsor http://www.lordwindsor.coffee/.